Welcome to my Portfolio!

Take some time to look around at my skills, education, projects, and find out more about me!



Operating Systems

Database Management Systems

Web Application Vulnerability Scanning


CompTIA Sec+

CompTIA Security+ ce

Verification available through LinkedIn profile.


C University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


Cyber Security, B.S.

Latin Honors Recieved

Magna Cum Laude

Graduation Date

December 2022

Transcript Request

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Virtual Labs

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Secure Python Scripting

About Me


Technology has always been something that’s both fascinated and terrified me since I was young, like how I learned not trust everything that can be downloaded on the internet. My favorite video game growing up was RuneScape where I could adventure online with my friends running around an open world, exploring, training my skills, killing dragons, and even other players. The problem was, I wasn’t very good, and I didn't have the patience to earn gold myself to become a better player. As a naive kid looking for an easy way out, I quickly found internet tools that promised to make my character rich beyond my wildest dreams with one click. How lucky, I thought, I was to be one of the only people to know about this! Without question, I downloaded it and after entering my username and password into this magical application, I sat and waited as I began to write down all the ways I wanted to spend my gold. Unfortunately, the gold never came as I was soon kicked offline, had my items stolen, and was left with a sinking feeling in my stomach thinking how I was so easily manipulated.

As I grew into adulthood, my passion for technology grew and I was eventually hired with a cable company as an installation and repair technician where I trained growing my skills in a professional environment. I started at the bottom, no prior work experience, only this passion I've held onto since I was young. It soon became abundantly clear I would need to put in more effort than I ever had before, as the competition was tough, and the success rate was low. Not only was the material challenging, but I also struggled to learn how to carry the equipment, in particular a 32-foot extension ladder. Admittedly, I’m not the strongest nor tallest guy in the world, so using brute force wasn’t an option. Instead, I had to master the proper technique, failing many times along the way, even being told by my training supervisors I should reconsider if this is something I want to pursue. I pushed myself beyond what I thought I was capable of and graduated top of the class, earning some of the highest scores for performance. Eventually, after more time and dedication to perfecting my work, I was promoted to lead technician and was responsible for training new hires for 90 days. I was the person my team members relied on for help or advise, and that was an amazing feeling. After a few years of hard work, I found myself at the top of my current position, unable to progress further without a higher education. For me, school had never been something I prioritized, or put much effort into. Looking back, I saw my perseverance in all of the times I was told I couldn’t do something. Not only was I able accomplish my goals but became one of the best at and taught others my methods. I realized what I’m capable of, and since then I’ve began at UTC in Summer 2019. I’ve consistently been awarded a Dean’s List participant each semester, an achievement I’ve never held in my academic life. What I study is my true passion, and I realize now more than ever my full potential and what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.

Hobbies and Interests

I’m a huge nature enthusiast and spend a good amount of my free time exploring new trails or going to the park with my wife and dog. Chattanooga is an amazing city for this kind of lifestyle where we are able to explore nearly endless amounts of hiking trails filled with beautiful scenery right next to downtown where we find great spots to eat or drink with friends and family.

When the weather doesn’t permit us to be out for long, or at all, I keep myself entertained inside by reading books on technology or space innovation, Chasing New Horizons as of lately which describes in stunning detail the New Horizon satellite that launched mid-2015 to explore Pluto and the Kepler belt. I also enjoy playing open-world video games such as RuneScape still as well as more recent titles such as Red Dead Redemption 2.


You can contact me through any of the social media links provided below or through email.